Family owned and operated since 1976.
Spiral Router Bits; For use in solid wood and wood composites.
Solid carbide spiral CNC router bits. For use in solid wood and...
Spiral Compression Router Bits; Use on double sided laminated and plywood material needing an excellent finish both top and bottom.
Solid carbide CNC spiral compression router bits. Upcut/downcut CNC bits. Use on...
O Flute Bits; For use in plastics, solid wood, and wood composites.
Solid carbide O flute CNC router bits. For use in plastics, solid wood,...
Midwest Based Tooling Manufacturer & Sharpener
AS&T manufactures the highest quality CNC spiral compression bits and spiral bits for the woodworking industry, as well as other CNC tooling for the plastics and metalworking industries. With a comprehensive mastery of all cutting tools, AS&T can quickly solve your tooling problems with superior quality. The company dates to 1976, providing sharpening service to the state of Wisconsin since its inception. Services are now available throughout North America. Read more about our heritage.
With the ability to sharpen virtually anything that has an edge, AS&T is here to serve you. The products below are but a small sample of all the products for sale at AS&T. If the tooling you are looking for is not for sale online, please contact us. We will be happy to supply you with prices and products.
Wide variety of services.
Since 1976, AS&T has been offering high quality sharpening service to the woodworking, metalworking, and plastics industries. Throughout the years, AS&T has expanded to include manufacturing custom saw blades,spiral compression bits,spiral router bits, o-flute bits, cold saws and much more. Click your industry to discover our offerings.

Increase the Lifespan of Your Tools.
Get more life out of your tooling. With years of wisdom, AS&T has proven to their customers that regular maintenance, timely sharpening, and proper use of the tool will increase the longevity of their tools, thus saving money in the long run.